Tuesday, July 21, 2020


   Change...some times unwanted, some times desired, some times forced, some times longed for,  always required, always inevitable.  Change is a tricky little thing. We are often confronted with small changes in our daily lives; either initiated by us or by other influences outside of our control.  Whether or not we desire change or seek to maintain our status quo has little effect on the overwhelming fact that change in inevitable, it is in fact a requirement of life.  How can something that is stagnant and unmoving be considered alive.
   The fact that change is inevitable does not however render it completely out of our control, we have the power to drive much of the change in our lives albeit not all.  The fact that we are made to grow and change has been seeded in us since the beginning of our lives, has it not been our life long pursuit to grow into our selves, to change and adapt, to take what we learn and improve each day.  I think the little changes day by day some how escape us and therefore offer us the impression that we can stay in a place, time, stage far longer than life has intended for us.  Life is going to change regardless if we are the ones steering the boat or just allowing the current to direct us.  The current of change in our lives is sometimes too powerful to effectively alter the direction of that change if we sit idlily by and don't initiate change on our own early enough.  When we sit unmoved for too long the current of change can build up and require large change at once.  Don't wait on the build up, keep directing the change you want to see in your life.
   Grow in ways that are new and different, be inspired by change, be excited by the challenge.  Also, be understanding of the fact that those around you will always question your change, your motivation for that change, and intentionally or unintentionally derail your inspiration for directed growth and change.  Your directed growth and change can at times put off those that are just riding the current.  You effectively become the unplanned change to them,  or perhaps at times your change and growth has a way of making others look introspectively at their own needed changes.  It takes a strong person to look deep into yourself, much less initiate change and growth.  Change is inevitably coming, but so is growth.

 Ecclesiastes 3:1
For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.


Frog (The Man, The Myth, The Legend)

My Wedding Day

My Wedding Day