Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"Today I'm gonna be happy" (February 2013)

Collection of old poems:

"Today I'm gonna be happy" (February 2013)
Today I’m gonna be happy
Today I’m gonna smile
This is my life to live
I’m gonna keep my head held high
This is not the ending
But the beginning so it seems
I’m not gonna let my life blow by
I’m gonna chase after my dreams
Today I’m gonna be happy
Today I’m gonna smile
This is my life to live
I’m gonna keep my head held high
Cause I am worth so much more
Than I’ve ever thought before
And I will not be ashamed
Of the man I am today
I’ve got a kind and gentle heart
I stay strong when others fall apart
And I can do most anything
That I set my mind to do
Today I’m gonna be happy
Today I’m gonna smile
This is my life to live
I’m gonna keep my head held high
My happiness depends upon me and me alone
It’s a choice I have to make
 I have to make it on my on
Today I’m gonna be happy
Today I’m gonna smile
This is my life to live
I’m gonna keep my head held high

"Girl, I’ll always love you" (February 2013)

Collection of old poems:
"Girl, I’ll always love you" (February 2013)
Girl, I’ll always love you,
But there’s something you should know.
I can’t keep living my life this way,
Girl, I’ve got to go.
We tried to save our marriage, but we tried a little late.
Now I’ve got to go before distrust turns to hate
Funny to think we used to be the envy of them all,
Back when we were rising, well before the fall.
Girl, I’ll always love you,
But there’s something you should know.
I can’t keep living my life this way,
Girl, I’ve got to go.
Can’t believe I’m leaving the woman of my dreams,
All because of a living nightmare and a man I’ve never seen.
Strange to think I’m in that place you were a year before,
You’re just so damn distant and I’m not happy anymore.
Girl, I’ll always love you,
But there’s something you should know.
I can’t keep living my life this way,
Girl, I’ve got to go.
Understand that the only thing that is here to stay,
Is the pain that I'll feel inside of me each and everyday
I don’t regret all the years I’ve spent being by your side
Just how blind I was to all your needs and to all your lies
You always seem distracted; say you’re tired all the time
You don’t show me affection and act like that is fine
Seems to me your living a double life again
So I can’t stay, this has to be the end
Girl, I’ll always love you,
But there’s something you should know.
I don’t think it’s all your fault
Girl, I’ll take my share of blame.
Girl, I’ll always love you,
But girl, I’ve got to go.

"Travel Away" (February 2013)

Collection of old poems:

"Travel Away" (February 2013)
There's holes in my pockets
 And bills left to pay
So I pack up my bags
 And I travel away

 To a place I can work 14 hours a day
 But 7 days a week is just so hard to stand
 Takes someone as cold as the steel in my boot
 Guess in the end I'm just that kind of man

 There's scars on my hands & burns in my cloths
 My eyes are heavy & my knees are weak
 My body is aching and blisters on my feet
 But I'll do whatever to provide I suppose

 There's holes in my pockets
 And bills left to pay
 So I pack up my bags
 And I travel away

 Gotta put the food on the table for my family back home
 Being away from my wife and babies is so very hard
 But there's a mortgage, there's daycare, and so many other needs
 So I put on this hardhat & keep punching this card

 There were holes in my pockets
 And bills left to pay
 So I packed up my bags
 And I traveled away

 Now there's holes in my soul
 And no bills left to pay
 So I packed up my bags
 I'm coming home to stay

"Miles and Miles apart" (January 2013)

Collection of old poems:

"Miles and Miles apart" (January 2013)

.when we're. miles and miles apart
.I get. a sadness in my heart
.I wish that. we were together
.cause then I'd. Feel so much better

.oh I can't wait. To leave this place
.and finally look. Upon your face
.Its so damn hard. To be so far from you
.oh Lord tell me. Just what to do

.When we're. miles and miles apart
.with so much. sadness in my heart
.I grab that bible. By my bed
.and soon. my soul is fed

.its what. Gets me through the day
.and tells me. That every things ok
.I can read. the book of Psalms
.the pain. will soon be gone

.or I can read. the song of songs
.and know that. I won't be gone long
.cause your a lily. among thorns
.and its you. That I adore

.when we're. miles and miles apart
.and I get. A sadness in my heart
.and wish that. We where together
.and that. I felt so much better

.I know that. when we're miles and miles apart
..god can take the pain. From my heart
.because. I can trust in him
.until the very end

"In his arms" (January 2013)

Collection of old poems:

"In his arms" (January 2013)
I leave in the morning to go so far away,
Lord use this to draw us closer, for this is what I pray.
I had a dream, she felt alone and her bed was cold.
Then I dreamed a scary thought, she had someone to hold.
I realized it was a dream,  but that it would still come true.
I heard a voice asking me, "why do you feel so blue?"
"Have no fear, this short time here, you surely will get thru."
"Have some faith my child, my son., for I make all thing new."
"She reads my words, I'm sure you've heard, they're mighty as a sword."
"So be at ease she found her comfort in the arms of the Lord."
(2 Chronicles 20:15)
"Do not be afraid nor be dismayed because of this great multitude,
 for the battle is not yours, but God's "

"Is she really mine" ( January 2013)

Collection of old poems:
"Is she really mine" ( January 2013)
Do I really have her, is she really mine?
Everything seams so great, it all seams so fine.
Will I forever live with doubt in my mind?
Or will it ebb away with the passing of the time?
I still have a fear of losing her, my heart is on the line.
Our marriage is getting stronger, but temptation is always close behind.
The past keeps coming back, if only to remind.
Do I really have her, is she really mine?

"Untitled" (Christmas eve 2012)

Collection of old poems:
"Untitled" (Christmas eve 2012)
"Dear Lord, I pray you help me drop my stones" (scribbled hastily atop the page)

I worship you on this joyous day
My Lord, my Savior, your gift I can't repay
You made yourself to take my place
So full of love and amazing grace
Its still so hard to comprehend
Your love never fails, it has no end
And from your love, forgiveness flows
Like handfuls of stones that nobody throws
Jesus your worthy of all of our praise
And I'll love you forever, till the end of my days


Collection of old poems:

"Tell me I'm more" (FALL 2012)

Who am I God
Who can I be
Tell me I'm more
Than what people see

They see that I'm weak
They've seen all my sin
Tell me I'm more
Than I've ever been

I've always been
Who I've chosen to be
It's the hand I was dealt
 I played right along
Tell me I'm more
Because you're never wrong

He died for me
So I live again
Oh father in heaven
Let your will be done
Tell me I'm more
Because of your son

I choose your love
And choose to believe
I surrender to you
All that is me
Tell me I'm more
Because you set me free

Who am I God
Who can I be
Tell me I'm more
And for you I will be

"What it means to be strong" (November 2012)

Collection of old poems:

"What it means to be strong" (November 2012)
All my life I've been taken for granted
I showed them kindness, they treated me ruthless
I showed them love, they pushed and they shoved
I showed them grace, they spit in my face
I showed them mercy, they repaid it adversely
I showed them forgiveness, they mistook it for weakness
God were they wrong, they just don't know what it means to be strong
You taught me kindness,  when you healed their blindness
You taught me love, when you were sent from above
You taught me grace, when you died in my place
You taught me mercy, when you wouldn't let the devil continue to hurt me
You taught me forgiveness, with the gift of your greatness
For the rest of my life,
I'll never take you for granted,
 Jesus I love you,
thank you for teaching me,
What it Means to be Strong

"It belongs to you" (November 2012)

Collection of old poems:

"It belongs to you" (November 2012)

As I lie down and close my eyes I pray against my fears
Let me dream of happy things, laughter and good cheer

But soon the sandman comes and leads me down a path
He leads me to my wicked thoughts, my fears, and to my wrath

When I'm there it feels so real, the pain, it's like brand new
I've seen some things, done by me, that only the devil would do

As I wake drenched in sweat and wipe away my tears
I know it's him that haunts my dreams and whispers in my ears

He preys upon my weakness, and the pain that's from my past
But I stand against him, from today until last

I pray to you my Lord, my God, and feel my strength renew
The devil may try to take my soul, but it Belongs to You.

"Can we go to Grandmaw's house" (October 2009)

Collection of old poems:

"Can we go to Grandmaw's house" (October 2009)

Daddy can we go to Grandmaw's house, if only for the day?
You know we love it there, can we go and play?

She greets us with a smile that reminds us of you,
And if we're lucky she'll make us cookies too.

We love it when she reads us stories and rocks us in her arms,
And when she lets us fish and rides us around the farm.

We love to go to Grandmaw's house where we can run and play,
And when it's time to leave she gives us kisses and sends us on our way.

"Dreams and Dreams of you 2" (September 2009)

Collection of old poems:

"Dreams and Dreams of you 2" (September 2009)

As I lie in bed with my eyes closed tight,
I drift off to dreamland as I rest for the night.

I could hear children laughing and playing close to me,
Though try as I may the children I could  not see.

I swear I thought I knew them, but who could it be.
It was my unborn children that called out to me.

Daddy do you love me and do you love me too?
I say of course I love you, I love the both of you.

As I lie in bed awake, for the day is new,
I smile and think about dreams and dreams of you two.

"My blue eyed Babies" (September 2009)

Collection of old poems:

"My blue eyed babies" (September 2009)

Just like your daddy, will your eyes be blue?
Just like you granddaddy, will your eyes be blue?
Just like your great-granddaddy, will your eyes be blue?
If your just like your momma and your brown eyes aren't blue,
I'll love you just as much with a love that's just as true.

"Whitley Faye" (August 2009)

Collection of old poems:

"Whitley Faye" (August 2009)

There was a little girl, her name was Whitley Faye,
And she hugged her daddy's neck each and every day.

She loved to be read stories as she sat in daddy's lap,
And when she got tired he would lay her down to take a nap.

She had a smile that could bring a tear to his eye,
And pain to his heart when he had to hear her cry.

There was a little girl, her name was Whitley Faye,
And her daddy was wrapped around her finger each and every day.

"Princess" (August 2009)

Collection of old poems:

"Princess" (August 2009)

I'm married to a princess, but I'm no king you see
I met her in a trailer, surrounded by poverty

Someone else sent her flowers, but he did not impress
And when she came to thank him, I wrote upon her flesh

She found me kind of funny, the jester I seem to be
So after years of dating, I asked her, to spend her life with me.

I'm married to a princess, but I'm no king you see
I'm married to a princess, and happy as can be.

"ALONE" (January 2004)

Collection of old poems:

"ALONE" (January 2004)


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Holiday season...ugh

So it begins, another holiday season.....Not that I don't like holidays it's just that I would love to throat punch whoever crammed all these damn holidays into the end of the year!  I always get stressed out with all the traveling around, (should be a nice flight to see the in-laws for Thanksgiving....2 five year olds and a five month old....I almost feel sorry for anyone on the same flight) and the shopping.....the shopping....ugh....I hate shopping.  Why am I so tired all of a sudden?  Wow just the thought of these two things is enough to drain me,  the mental and physical exhaustion has already set in....

Here it is, that time again
can't you feel that cold crisp wind
 Shorter days and longer nights
soon it's time for a holiday flight
I wonder if Whitley will throw up again
hell who knows maybe this time Wren
Packing and traveling two things I hate
I may need a Valium by the departure gate
Three little heathens up in the air
the other passengers should be pulling their hair
A week at the in-laws can be something to fear
but I'll be alright as long as there's beer
Here we are home again
not long till the birthday party's begin
Two turning five it happened so fast
I hope they both think their party's a blast
Then Christmas shopping comes along
I'm gonna charge it, charge it, while singing a song
Then hurry hurry let it be spring
does anyone else know what I mean
Next year I'm doing something my wife will hate
because come winter time I think I'll just hibernate



Frog (The Man, The Myth, The Legend)

My Wedding Day

My Wedding Day