Wednesday, July 23, 2014


"Sleep" is not a four letter word, but yet hold your tongue when speaking such things in the presents of the zombified.  Those who have those weary, dreary, blood shot eyes.  Those with the  drooping head and the distant gaze.  Those incoherent  mumbling fools.  You know the ones!?  The ones who used to be so articulate, intelligent, elegant, and funny.  The ones who seem to have lost their edge.  The ones who have one foot off the ledge.  Those lost somewhere between insomnia and narcolepsy.  They hear your words and nod along but its clear there's no one there.  Don't mention your night, or your rest, or napping;  and what every you do never say you're "tired too".  For  those zombies; with the weary, dreary, blood shot eyes;  are at the verge and just like that...BOOM!...they'll SNAP!  It's not their fault you've been forewarned.

"Hello new baby......good bye to sl**p...zzz

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