Saturday, January 25, 2014

Lucky Man

Just sitting here at work, waiting to get off, and I can't help but think about how lucky I am.  Lucky to have a good job to provide for my family.  Lucky to have a great family to provide for.  I've got an awesome wife who set me up an appointment for a one hour massage after work today.  Like I said,  awesome wife!  I can't even start to put into words how lucky I feel to have her.  I've got two amazing kids who have surpassed any and all expectations of what I could have imagined before they were here.  Fatherhood has been by far one of the most rewarding things in my life and I am so looking forward to multiplying that feeling with our next child.  I get to see some sneak peeks on Monday at the "anatomy ultra sound".  I can't begin to what this one is going to be like.  Is it a girl, is it a boy?  Will he look like me? Will she have her mothers eyes?  Will he be good at legos like his brother?  Will she be obsessed with toenail polish like her sister?  I'm so excited to be a father again!  I truly am a Lucky Man.  Or to say it better, I am a Blessed Man.

Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.     (Psalms 127:3)

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