Thursday, January 2, 2014

Sick in the head

People that know me and my family (friends, coworkers, relatives) used to joke and say that I needed more kids and to be honest the thought scared the crap out of me for the longest time.   I mean they were right from they're point of view, my life is pretty hectic at times with just two kids.  But, it only takes the littlest thing from one of my kids for me to know that my life is going to be so much better when "plus one" arrives. So just hang with me as I attempt to take you on a journey thru my chaotic life and distorted thought process.  

   Well it's the season, nope, not holiday, not winter, not the season of new beginnings and resolutions. It's flu season, or as I call it "cold,flu,stomach bug,out of sick days, this freakin sucks season".  It started for us a week and a half before Christmas, we where hit with the first assault on our bodies as well as our sanity. Colds, fevers, coughs, began on a Monday; luckily for me I felt like crap all week but was far too busy with pre-schedualed inspections to miss work. So my wife got to be the one to miss a whole week of work to take care of sick kids.  My daughter ended up having an ear infection that was (of coarse why not) treated with an antibiotic that broke her out in hives and made her throw up. 

So fast forward thru two whole weeks of varying degrees of sickness for each of us to this past Sunday, one of the highlights of my year.   I'd been running a fever and sweating buckets since Saturday morning, so I felt like crap. As I lie on the couch that afternoon while my wife gives the kids their bath in our bathroom that evening I hear my wife yell "Wyatt run to the other bathroom".  That's never good to hear.  A split second later, a butt naked blond haired  soaking wet little boy goes flying thru the living room like bat outta hell. As rounds the corner thru the hallway a turd flings out onto our white carpet (YAY),  as this happens he swings around like he going to pick it up of something?!? I yell, "keep going!!"  He's done, back in the bath, carpet cleaned! That sucked, I feel like crap, back on the couch. 

Hours later, probably past mid-night now, my wife and I wake up to a coughing sound that turns into a throw-up sound.  My little girl just yacked up pizza all over the white carpet, well my wife managed to catch some in my shirt.  Just great another one sick,  brown and red stains in the carpet,  and I've managed to sweat up every set of sheet in the house in the last few nights.  My home is now a living experiment of Murphy's Law (anything that can happen will happen).  My daughter and I have now been quariantined to the spare room for the remainer of the night.  We wake up to a deserted house, guess everyone else went to school and work,  just us here to fend for ourselves.  This is when I realize just how magical sickness is.  My little girl who never stops moving or talking  is too sick to do either,  all she can do is snuggle with me on the couch and watch movies.  I got to enjoy two whole days of this little angle wanting no one but her daddy, and even though I was sick too I loved every minute of it.  I can't wait to be sick with the next one, I must be sick in the head.

Proverbs 17:22 Be Joyful
A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.

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