Tuesday, December 17, 2013

In Awe of your love

A Facebook post by my wife:

Happy 4th Birthday to the best things that ever happened to me, besides your Daddy.
We love you very much!!!

To my wife,
First I would like to say that those are the cutest babies I have ever seen! (and I say that being the most unbiased, most competent,  and most reliable source available to judge such things)  These two precious little (not so little any more) things truly have been a blessing in our lives and I've loved them every step of the way. I could not imagine my life without them, oh what a sad and unfulfilling life that would surely be.  The reason I felt the need to share this post on my blog is because I was so taken back by three little words; "besides your Daddy".  Words can not begin to express  the feelings of unworthliness, the shock, the wonder, the pure and undiluted emotion that this simple statement brought on inside of me.  To look in her eyes, at that frozen moment in time, I see the joy and the passionate affection for these two snuggly wrapped miracles.  I see a tired, yet purely content,  woman holding what she never thought she would.  A woman who had never looked more beautiful to me than she did in that moment.  A woman who some how some way God found me worth of marrying, found me worthy of fathering her children.  I could live the rest of my life and not accomplish another thing, and I would consider my life a success.  I consider it an immense honor and privilege to have this amazing woman as the mother of my children, and even more so to have her as my wife.  I am humbly greatful to be so blessed.  To Wyatt and Whitley I say, "Happy Birthday".  To my wife I simply say, "Thank you and I love you." To God I say the same, "Thank you and I love you."

-Your humble, joyous, shocked, wowed, awed, honored, greatful, and forever loving husband

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