Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Don't waste a second

Wow! I hadn't realized that it had been two weeks since I last wrote a post, that goes back to a recent post of mine about being overwhelmed by this season. So, Thanksgiving has come and gone, always a joy to eat myself into a coma. The day after my dad and I headed to the deer woods, as we typically do ever year. This year however was somewhat different, because for the first time my son came with us. Being just shy of four years old some would say he wasn't ready to go hunting, but none the less I felt he was. Just seeing how excited he was just to suit up in his hunting gear was enough to make the whole trip a success even though nothing was killed but time. Speaking of success and of time; this weekend also was an exciting weekend for my team (AUBURN) as they beat Bama with a jaw dropping last second missed field goal returned for a touchdown.

Looking back on this holiday weekend I have many things to be thankful for, but it's the little things that stick out to me the most. It's the smile of a little boy who gets to go with the big boys. It's the sound of a little girl asking when we're coming home. It's that little heartbeat that I can't yet hear. It's the woman who's still in my life that a year ago I thought I'd lost for good. Its that one second that is given to each and every one of us to do something amazing. That one second on a football field that inspired me to think about the joy in every second, the potential to do something positive in every second, the knowledge that our time here is short but we truly can do a lot with a short amount of time.

As short as a second is, don't waste it. Don't waste it thinking about the past. Don't waste it thinking about the future. Don't waste it being idle and unmoving. Before you know it that second has past.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
(Ecclesiastes 3:1)

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