Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Making Amends

Is it just me or do people sometimes hear what they want to hear? I think that when they know (or think rather)that they are right in their own mind it can deafen them to what is being said. Sometimes when someone thinks they are so much smarter than others they tend to fill in the blanks of what was said with thoughts of their own without ever asking the right questions. I believe that when posed a question from someone your answer is sometimes guided by what you believe is the motive behind it or their intended use of the information they are asking for. Or maybe perhaps I have misspoken. Either way, these situations tend to lend to conflicts when the two involved are both hardheaded and inclined to think that they are the one who is usually right. In these heated times it is easy to lose your cool at the onslaught of verbal abuse and find your self on someone else's level. A place that in times past I had no problem being, but now I find that I have this feeling that I let myself down. So, as I am sitting here typing away I realize that I can let this confrontation fester away or I can do something about it. I can be the one to man up, be the one that attempts to remedy the situation and not make something that in all actuality was no big deal become a more than it should be. So, that is what I intend on doing.....guess I'll let you know how this works out in the end......

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)

Bridge mended.....sometimes just stepping back away from a situation for a moment gives both people time to have a new perspective and allows them to understand each other better. Stepping up and making amends can be a difficult thing at times, but when you can get your pride out of the way it becomes much easier to bring resolution and closure to most conflicts.

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