Friday, November 8, 2013

Somethings missing something

Have you ever had a time in your life where you were seeking affection from someone or trying to bond with them and it seemed like the more you try the less you got or the more distant you felt? It can knock you down and it will if you let it, but maybe there is more to it than it appears. Maybe I am being selfish? Maybe instead of thinking about what I am missing out on, what I am in need of, maybe I should be thinking about the other person and what they are in need of. What could be going on in them, what should I be doing for them? Maybe by filling their needs, I could in turn initiate the fulfillment of my own.

Does our greatest happiness not come from meeting the needs of others? Shouldn't we (I) be seeking to find our (my) happiness in the Lord? Jesus loves us and when we seek him and his affection it is there and when we wish to bond with him and become closer to him he always gives us that opportunity. I am learning this more and more every day. No one in this world can ever live up to our expectations. There will always be let downs and disappointment in every relationship, sometimes we are let down, other times we are the one falling short. I know that I fall short all the time, so how then can I be upset when I feel like someone is falling short of meeting my needs? The truth is that it is our human condition, us in all our brokenness, to feel disappointment in others yet feel that we are justified in those feelings. We all have a hole inside of us that we continually try to fill with things that don't fit, like a square peg in a round hole. (analogy intended...just for you) We can fill that hole. Jesus fits.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23)

Today and going forward, I will continue to try to not dwell on my own needs but look past them to the needs of others. The key word here is "try", because I know I will fall short at times; but I will do my best to remember this and let God tend to my needs.

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