Monday, November 11, 2013

Welcome to the Family

I look around me; at work, at the store, on TV, everywhere I turn; and see so many lost and broken people. The thing is, most of them don't even realize it. They think that they have a handle on their life or that life just is as it is and that they must face it alone. Many of them even think that God is a delusion created only in the minds of others. Many believe in him but think that simply believing is enough and don't truly live for him. Many are scared to give up the way of life they now live, afraid that if they start down that road with him that they will be changed, become like "the hypocrites that go to church". Many believe that they can never be good enough or that they have done too many wrongs to ever be able to look others in the eye and call them brothers and sisters in Christ.

The truth is that I was all of these, and looking back now I almost laugh at myself for not seeing what is so clear to me now. We are all broken, all, but we don't have to be lost and alone. We have a father in heaven who is calling out to us, with arms wide open, waiting for us to run to him. When we do: he will reveal himself to us; he will change us; he will work for us and through us. He says to us, "look here, these are your brothers and sisters who truly love you". So how can we be lost when we walk with our family, the family of God? We may be broken just as we all are but lost is one thing we are not. We have God and we have each other. God will fix our brokenness one day at a time and he will use us as a tool to fix the brokenness of our brothers and sisters.

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, to them that believe on his name (John 1:12)

I feel truly blessed to have a new family of my own in the form of a small group. It took my wife and I over a year to find a group that fit for us. Either the day of the week didn't work, or the time, or the life stage was a little off for us, or there was no child care. I think God's timing is always perfect as well as his plans for us, because I couldn't think of a better group of people to grow together with. Though its only been a short amount of time since we first meet, I already know that God has put some amazing people in my life. Most seem as jacked up as me at time, and the rest, well I probably just need time to see that they are as well. That being said, they really are good people and want to do good for God, grow stronger in their faith, and reach the lost and broken in this world. Not sure where life's journey's will lead us but I do know that as long as I follow God, it will be amazing.

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all , especially unto them who are of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10)

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