Monday, December 9, 2013

Maybe I was in the wrong

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your mad at someone for the way they called you out when your in the wrong? Maybe it's just me and my somewhat sensitive nature at times. Maybe it's that I feel that your significant other should be on your side even when your wrong, at least in the moment until a better opportunity arrives to enlighten them to the fact that they are wrong. Maybe just letting the situation pass by without a confrontation when they are completely oblivious that there is a situation. Maybe I was just too awesome on the dance floor. Maybe I was just slightly overwhelmed by Auburns unbelievable win during the SEC Championship game. Maybe...just maybe...I was in the wrong...I was a little over indulged and more than just slightly intoxicated.

Maybe I'm a little touchy when I've been drinking. Maybe I act an ass without even trying. Maybe I'm quick to get defensive. Maybe I'm stubborn. Maybe I'm quick to anger. Maybe I'm prone to stupid behavior. Maybe I can be an ass. Maybe I let my feelings get in my own way sometimes. Maybe I'm slow to apologize. Maybe I'm slow to ask for forgiveness. Maybe my wife is quick to grace and forgiveness and gives it without me even asking.

To My Loving Wife: I'm Sorry....You were right and I was wrong (you know I hate saying that last part)....Maybe I love you more than my words could ever express.

Above all things, have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.(1 Peter 4:8)
Thank you for your grace and your love

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