Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Laugh it off

Well I wish I had another really great story for you about the adventures of super dad, but thankfully for my sake no new disasters to report today. So I thought I would take this time to talk about finding joy in the craziest parts of your life, about being able to laugh at your self, being able to find the humor in your own screwed up existence. Being the most handsome, the most athletic, and the most popular kid ever; naturally I never had to deal with insults, let downs, defeat, or any kind of conflict that burdens the rest of world. RIGHT!? I wouldn't say that I had a normal childhood (only because I have no idea what that means), I would only say that it was a fairly typical one. You know the kind I'm talking about; the kind where your parents never wanted you in the house. So me and my misfit gang of cousins made our mark on the world in the great outdoors. We spent most of our childhood in make-believe land where we lived out our wildest fantasies. The only sense of reality was the ever present chance that we could die or be seriously injured at any moment by any number of our half thought out schemes.

I'm not sure where I got my sense of humor from, as morbid as it is, but I do know that I would not have survived without it. I look on as my own children run and play; my son thinks he is a ninja turtle who has the technical mastery in combat that is rivaled by none, my daughter apparently thinks she is a special education teacher and her bother, my wife, and myself are undoubtedly her students(Obviously since we lack the ability to follow her clearly defined direction); and I am some how proud and thankful of the fact that they have inherited my sick and twisted sense of reality and humor. Now I can by no means take all the credit for how these two ended up. Not only did they get the other half of their genes from their mother, but there is no way to avoid the nurture side. (personalities like theirs must be carefully nurtured with the involvement of both dysfunctional parents)

The ability to laugh away your woes and sorrows is a gift from God. The ability to laugh at others woes is....well just a health sense humor. I'm not delusional enough to think that our lives could ever be without trials and troubles, so one must simply make the most out of them and laugh it off. If you can't bring yourself to do that, at least have the common decency to tell someone so they can laugh it off for you. I found myself in this very situation over the past weekend. I found no humor in the situation whatsoever, but allowing others the chance to hear the testimony of my story allowed me to at least enjoy some humor in the reactions of others. As we all know Laughter is contagious.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
(Proverbs 17:22)

A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed.
(Proverbs 15:13)

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