Monday, October 21, 2013

From us or Thru us?

What is from ourselves and what is from God using us for his glory and his plan? We make think, as I have and selfishly still do at times, that anything we do (the good, the bad, & the ugly)comes from ourselves. After closer review of myself and of the things I have done or said at times, their has been more grace in things I've done or words I've said than I am surely capable of. It would even be far too coincidental the chain of events that occur at times, with me being the only one knowing the full scope of my thoughts, events, conversations & whatnot; short of God himself. Therefor I am fully convinced that the Holy Spirit works in us, for us, and absolutely thru us! I for one am so very thankful that God uses me as an instrument and am thankful for the times when I know that he has used others around me as a tool for me.............................................................................."for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fill his good purpose" (Philippians 2:13)

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