Monday, October 14, 2013

Holding a marriage together

So I'm new to this whole blogging thing; but I see it as a place to express myself and hopefully help others while I myself find a path through this crazy beautiful life. Its a scary thing to be in a position where the words "holding a marriage together" are even something you have to read much less think about and ponder on. If your like me (which likely your not...not may are) your marriage was always the envy of everyone whether they admitted it or not. My wife and I have always had this bond that I've never seen before; never really had a fight, sure we argued but that's just normal. We dated and lived together for about 6 years before we got married; it' been 7 years since we said our vows...I still remember how beautiful she was on that day. Alot has changed in our lives since then: building a home, starting our family (the best boy/girl twins ever, love them to death), me working out of town. There have been ups and downs, still working out myself where we first went wrong (other than me working out of town...stupid idea guys, the money isnt worth the risk). We are at a point know where I would like to think we can still make it thru; (scratch that..) i know we can, not because of faith in myself or in us alone but in faith in the one who created the very concept of marriage. (I am not, but I know I am) I am; because of him; he alone has the power to rebuild what we have so wreaklessly torn apart. That being said, I would like to share a poem I wrote last week. Maybe later I can dig a little deeper into our story and what we've been through and where we are now but for now I would like to end with this and hope that this simple prayer can help your own marriage in some way.

Lord I pray that our marriage will stand
We've both done wrong, it's out of our hands.

We give it to you to heal and to mold
Our lives and our love, to have and to hold.

Looking back at our past all I feel is disgust.
Our sins, our lies, our anger, our lust.

There is no fingers to point, no reason to blame.
Oh please wash us, Oh Lord, in your Holy Name.

You've been right beside us thru all of our pain.
And we trust that you won't let it be in vain.

It's in you that we trust, to fill the wholes in our hearts.
It's in you that we trust, to find a fresh start.

Give us the tools to fix what we blew.
Because you have the power to make all things new.

Only on you, Lord, will our marriage stand.
Because all other ground is sinking sand.

We give it you to heal and to mold.
Our lives and our love, to have and to hold.

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