Friday, October 18, 2013

Time is Short

    Well it's Friday, for most of you it's the end of the work week, I tend to work most Saturdays myself. This industry I find myself in doesn't lend it self to the "family man". But, I have found that if I push harder during the week to complete my weekly tasks and employee obligations that I for the most part hear no qualms about taking off some Saturdays. I may hear the occasional taunt of "part timer", or something like that. Most of the time these mocking comments are from fellow employees that are just jealous of the time I get to spend with my family or the happiness they see in me when they hear me talk about the great time I got to spend with them.
     Being an hourly employee I do miss out on an extensive amount of overtime pay, but I have come to realize that there are so many thing in life far more important than financial security. Not that financial security isn't important, it's just that how much is enough? If one takes the time to think back on what you have used the hard earned money of working crazy overtime hours or weekend days that weren't really needed but more or less put in just for the benefit of extra income, you may find like I have that it was spent on things wanted rather than things needed. I know what I want and what I need! I need to be able to look back years from now and know that I spent my time were I should have, my time as a father, my time as a husband. I read somewhere today that "the best thing you can spend on your children is your time". I totally agree!
     I remember growing up as a child and not getting to spend much time with my own father, not that he wasn't an awesome dad when he wasn't working. You see I find myself in a very similar situation, because my father and I are in the same industry and it's demands on your time are high. These demands from work are high, but then again so are the needs of your family. One has to find a balance between providing a means for your family and providing time for your family. Even given my childhood, I found myself in a position were I hardly saw my wife and kids; working way to many hours, working out of town for months at a time. I know now that my time with them is very valuable, not just to them but to me as well. I was off last Saturday, I'm leaving work early today and off tomorrow, and I intend to take off many more days to come; weekends, Fridays, in the middle of the week, whenever I can because TIME IS SHORT................................................................. 

" Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are puff of smoke that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." (James 4:14)

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