Thursday, October 31, 2013

Friends in Need, in Need of my Friend

In my life there have been many people that I have called my friend. Though many have come and gone though out my life, either my  choice or their, or just by circumstances outside of either one our control. Sometimes it happens out of misunderstanding and stubbornness, this is the case with me now. I have sat by idle and waited as I believe he has as well. I know that we will pick up right where we left off, like we always do (never miss a beat), when we come back around.

I think about him and pray for him often but at times I get so frustrated with him. He is an amazing person and has a way with people and could use that gift to help people, but burdened with the weight of an addiction the has wreaked havoc on his life for as long as I have known him. I been in those places in my own life, a endless cycle of self destruction, and there is hope. In my own life I have a hard time not being reminded of the song "It ain't the Whiskey". There is always a painful past that initiated this perpetual cycle of self defeat. It's so easy to give up on someone who has given up on themselves, but would I be where I am today if not for the ones who believed in me when I had no belief in myself?

I love this man like a brother, and it kills me to think that he wandered back into my life (for a reason no doubt) and I let him wander back out. I was really put in my place by my son when we were saying our prayers last night. We got to the point in our prayers where we were praying for him and my son asked me, "where is he?" I told my son "I don't know", but in my mind I just thought "Lost". That's when it really hit me, I have been stubbornly waiting for him to call me or contact me. Those that are lost need to be found, those that fall need to be helped back up, and I miss my friend and need him back around.

A friend loves at all times... (Proverbs 17:17)

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-11)

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

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