Monday, October 21, 2013

Rejection and Acceptance

Have you ever felt rejected? I have, and do, at many times in my life. I remember growing up as a child, a younger brother to be exact, and always wanting to hang out with my brother and his friends. I remember not fitting in at school, not really being good at sports, not having many truly meaningful friendships throughout my childhood. I remember not being much of the ladies man, though I had several girlfriends I remember the broken hearts that went with them as well. My point is that rejection is a part of life, it happens to us all, but do the events of our past make us defend against future rejections? Or do they make us view small insignificant things as rejection? Do they make us perceive things the way we want to, the way that is comfortable for us, normal to us, is their a small twisted part of us that is comforted by this perceived rejection? Is there a part of us that tries to be everything to everyone in order to not feel rejected and to feel acceptance from everyone? Do we at times let our past rejections drive us to a self fulfilling prophecy of continued rejection? I have no doubt that my own insecurities have gotten in my way many more times than I would care to admit. I feel that is part of our daily struggle in life, to conquer our past and to break free of the chains of doubt and fear that have bound us to our past experiences. We can do this, we don't have to be restricted in our present because of our past. We can always take heart in the fact that God will never reject us, never turn his back to us, always receive us with open arms. One of my favorite songs (Run to you by Third Day) asks, "if I run to you, will you hold me in your arms?" I also love the ending, "Long before I even thought of returning, your arms were wide open, waiting for me to come home!" Rejection may come from others, but the feeling of rejection really comes from within. We can slowly eliminate these unfounded feelings of rejection by placing our feelings of acceptance and rejection where they should be, in the hands of the one who created us. (fearfully and wonderfully made) Jesus tells us that he will never reject us and that is all the acceptance we should ever need..................................................... "All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away".(John 6:37)

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