Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Conscious of a broken Man

I recently confessed to my wife that I had a ONS (one night stand), in opposition of the advice of every male friend I had confided in. I very very much regret having giving in to temptation and the fact that I forever compromised my own moral integrity. As painful as it was to confess this to my wife, I had to, it was something that I feel I had to do. For me to truly heal and move forward with my wife and my God, I had to confess my sins. I know in my heart that this is something I would never do again, never let myself be in a situation where it could happen again. My dilemma is that of the social stigma of the male population is to not have a conscious, that infidelity of a man is somehow acceptable; but confessing it is not socially accepted. Where are the moral leaders that we so need in this day in age? Surly, these moral leaders would not find themselves in that position, because they wouldn't compromise their moral integrity in the first place. I used to think highly of my own integrity, not so much anymore; but as broken as I am I know there is hope for redemption and change. We don't have to be who we were. To change we can not hold inside what we have done, even if we think we are protecting those that we love, guilt is a powerful poison. Guilt can cloud out the parts of your life that bring healing. I'm not saying that I no longer feel the guilt of what I did or that I don't feel convicted. Only that I no longer feel condemned and weighted down by my guilt. Having a conscious is not a bad thing, maybe yours doesn't push you to confess your sins to those you have wronged. Each of us has our on path, but if you listen to the Holy Spirit that lives within you will live a happier life. (wish I would of listened earlier).............................."Therefore, confess your sins to one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." (James 5:16)

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